Oct 30, 2018
#119 4th Annual True Spooky Stories of Pittsburgh
It's that time again! Thank you to everyone who came out to indulge us in our fun antics, and unearthing of stories that not many people know about in our hometown of Pittsburgh. We have so much fun putting on this event for the public, so thank you for your continued support. If you would like to tune into our past episodes check them out on the site!
We have so many people to thank the list is endless, but some of them include- Rob James and Brett Zoric for contributing their musical talents for our theme song, Tyler Vietmeier for recording audio and video for the event, Barebones Productions for allowing us to have our event there, Patrick Jordan, and Brittnay Spinelli for helping us organize, Jhon Phillipp Yonan for our kick ass Spooky Stories graphics, Helicon Brewing for providing kick ass brews, and Gregor Bender for serving said brews, audience members and listeners for sending in their stories, and also two very special audience members for sharing their stories live on the show, I had goosebumps! You guys rock!
A huge thank you to all of our listeners and patrons for allowing us to be weirdos. We have so much more in store in 2019! Just you wait. FOR NOW. We have made t-shirts that represent a few of the stories that we revealed in the show. The new Hell Town T-shirt is available through Commonwealth Press. Awesome material through Canvas brands, available Small through XXL. Check them out!
We will see you all next year, but are collecting stories year long feel free to send spooky stories to martaonthemovepodcast@gmail.com
'This show was born four years ago after great friends John Schalcosky and Marta Mazzoni discovered their love of all things macabre, spooky, and historical. Spooky Stories started as a salon in Marta's living room complete with friends wearing pj's, psychics, and many a late night conversation. After releasing the episode to the public on Marta's show Marta On The Move Podcast, her and John soon recieved many email requests to make this event live so the public can join in the fun.
Last year they held the first public performance of True Spooky Stories at Carnegie Coffee House, and the tickets sold out within days. This year, they decided to have a larger venue for a greater opportunity for more citizens to join in the fun. Thanks to the support from Barebones Production Company located in historic Braddock, PA. True Spooky Stories will be held there this October 14th at 6:30pm.
Join Marta and John as they uncover history that will make your toes curl in a live podcast with homemade sound effects. After four years, friends John and Marta have gone on ghost hunts, uncovered crazy historical information about Pittsburgh, and they truly love the Halloween season and bringing this history to light. You will laugh, be spooked and learn some interesting history of Pittsburgh you may have never known."
Sponsored by Helicon Brewing and Barebones Productions