Dec 17, 2017
#99 Big Brothers and Sister of Pittsburgh Holiday Special
Don't you wish when you were in high school you could talk to someone older, who wasn't your parents, or your teachers. Someone who was just there to give advice, without judgement. Maybe an outside perspective into a job you were eyeing up, but weren't sure was the right fit for you.
That is only a small part of what Big Brothers Big Sisters of America does for kids. My best friend Jhon Yonan has been telling me about his little for over 7 years. I have seen him grow with him, and change for the better himself along side his little. It was something I have wanted to do for quite some time, but life gets in the way.
My husband and I are FINALLY in the process of becoming "Bigs", and we cannot wait. I think it is so important, not just to the kids to have someone who helps them as the grow up, but for the "Bigs".
As with most things, I didn't know the in's and out's of becoming a "Big". So for this holiday season, I thought, what better way to close out 2017, than to have a representative of BBBS on the show.
I invited Counsilman Tom Baker who is the Chief Community Officer of BBBS to come on the show and talk about it's history as one of the oldest non profits around. BBBS started in New York City back in 1904, and has quite an interesting history that we talk about, but my interest also extends to experience.
I wanted to know, so I assume others would as well. What the entire process is for becoming a "Big", what you can expect, ideas of where to take your little, and so on. Tom answers all of your questions if you are thinking about joining one of their three ways to become involved.
It didn't stop there for me though, for the second half of the podcast I bring in Jhon Yonan, and his little Marvin Jamar Lee Gurley- Boyd to talk about their experience with one another. It is super endearing to hear the two of them reminisce about when they met, the things they have done, and what they have learning from one another through the years.
Tune in and happy holidays everyone
Come out and support BBBS at "Marta Match- A throwback of The Match Game" at City Theatre on January 5th! YOU could be chosen as a contestant to win big prizes.
Join me as I invite personalities of Pittsburgh on stage with me that include- Rick Sebak, Kellee Maize, Day Bracey, and many more.
Magic by Lee Terbosic.
Drag Show by Deep Violet.
Free beer samplings by Helicon Brewery
Raffle Baskets
Part of the proceeds benefit Big Brothers and Sisters of Pittsburgh
Sponsored by- Gaucho Parilla Argentina, Levity, Aldo's Food Service, Helicon Brewery, Specialty Food Service, The Church Recording Studio, and Harris Grill.