Sep 23, 2018
Gemma Hoskins From
"The Keepers" on Netflix
This is the lead up to Halloween in which I feature different
themes revolving around this holiday. Stories about facing your
fears, spooky stories, psychics, magic, murder, and more have been
featured, and I could not wait to release this episode.
There was once a suggestion on Netflix given to me by a
friend, that suggestion was a documentary called
“The Keepers”. I had no clue what the show was
about, but trusted the source and one weekend while I was ill
decided to binge it. I was instantly hooked.
Where do I even start with this? How do I tell you to watch
this show without giving too much away? The story is disturbing,
but it is an important one to hear. It revolves around a cold case
murder that took place 50 years ago in Baltimore, Maryland. It
unfolds to reveal a parallel storyline about female students who
are now grown up women that attended the Catholic school named
Keough and triggered memories of their time at school.
Secrets, murder, rape, and more come to light in this
documentary. You won’t believe what you hear, and who was all
involved. It is important especially when so many priests and the
Arch Diocese are being currently investigated in many cities across
the country, and I believe that "The Keepers" had a huge hand in
triggering a lot of this. Remember, this was before Spotlight, and
I can not imagine the guts it took for these women and men to come
forward, face their pasts, and confront their abusers.
It is truly horrifying, but it has prompted even some friends
that have had similar experiences to speak openly about them, and
that is important.
I could not wait to release this for the lead up to Halloween
especially because Sister
Cathy Cesnick. IS a Pittsburgh
native. She is buried in her hometown of Sharpsburg.
Gemma Hoskins is one of the leading investigators who
researched this story. I was honored she took the time to answer my
questions about the case, and was very candid about where we are
currently in this investigation. Her and friend Abbie Schaub were
very brave historians and students of Cathy. They have even been
featured on "The View" to talk about the show. Gemma and Abbie
spring boarded this investigation, and hopefully with the help of
others who have information we will have Justice for Sister Cathy
and all the victims of abuse out in the world.
Topics discussed-
- How the investigation started and lead to Gemma and
- How the Netflix show picked up the information and
formulated the show.
- Who is Brother Bob? Marta and Gemma discuss.
- Why the police are finally now more involved in working to
solve the case.
- Where YOU can take your information if you have leads.
- Does Gemma feel as though we are any closer to solving the
- Were the other nuns involved?
- Will there be a season 2 of The Keepers?

- Sister Cathy Cesnik. Father Maskell.
Courtesy of Netflix

- Gemma and Abbie on The View

The lead up to Halloween ends with our live podcast in
Pittsburgh. Don't forget to grab your tickets to True
Stories of Pgh LIVE Podcast on Oct 14th! Free Craft beer!
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